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Informative Post- Headaches | 头痛

Many people are familiar with the occasional headache episodes, most of the time after a period of prolonged deskbound or driving posture, excessive phone usage, dehydration, lack of sleep etc.

While most headache episodes eventually settles down, frequent repeated episodes could be a sign that there are problems needed to be addressed. Furthermore, there are incidences that indicate the need for immediate medical attention. (severe headaches, onset after trauma etc)

Poor neck and spine mobility, poor posture, lack of aerobic fitness and stress are well known causes of the most common types of headache (Cervicogenic Headaches, Tension Type Headaches and Migraines) and can be effectively managed with proper treatment and lifestyle changes.

Research indicated that: 1. Individuals with Cervicogenic Headaches have weaker deep neck flexor muscles that are compensated for by tension in the sternocleidomastoid muscles. (3) 2. Individuals with Migraines as well as Tension Type Headaches typically have low levels of physical activity, and inactivity among headache-free individuals is a risk factor for developing a non-migraine type of headache. (Cervicogenic/Tension Type Headaches) (9)

These findings justify the implementation of interventions to increase physical activity/exercise among headache sufferers. Consult us if you would like to know more about headache management with chiropractic and physical therapy.

头痛症状皆为普遍, 很多时候因为长期久坐,长时驾驶,滑手机,缺水, 睡眠不足 etc. 而开始.

长期复发性的头痛可能意识着身体出现了病状,应需适当的判诊与治疗. 此外, 某些症状, 比如突发性或头部创伤后的严重头痛必须立即向医生咨询.

脊椎缺乏灵活性, 姿势欠佳, 心肺功能衰退和身心压力都是导致常见的头痛类型 (颈源性头痛, 紧张性头痛, 偏头痛) 的普遍原因, 而脊椎调整与物理疗法可有效的改善以上因素.

研究也显示了: 1. 经常颈源性头痛的人, 颈深屈肌一般偏弱, 也胸锁乳突肌也因此紧绷. (3) 2. 大多数偏头痛和紧张性头痛患者活动量少,缺乏体育锻炼. 长期缺乏运动也可导致健康人士引发颈椎性或紧张性头痛的症状. (9)

如此证明, 治疗头痛需包含如何锻炼与增强身体的方安. 正确的专业判诊以及针对性的治疗能有效治疗头痛症状. 若想趁早改善身体可以联系我们!

————————————————————————————————————————— S-02-23A Emporis Persiaran Surian Seksyen 3 Taman Sains Selangor, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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