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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Chiropractor do?

Chiropractors are health professionals that specializes in the diagnosis and management of any nerve, muscle, ligaments, bones, and joint complaints. Chiropractors utilize a variety of treatment methods to help manage your condition(s), such as chiropractic adjustments, stretching, soft tissue therapies, physical therapies, rehabilitation and taping.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Chiropractic adjustments refer to specific and controlled thrust(s) on spinal joints and/or extremity joints. The goal of such procedures is to free up stiffness and correct mis-aligned joints, thereby restoring the normal range of motion and postural alignment. Over time, muscles and ligaments around the body will adapt to better mobility and alignment, resulting in less stiffness, aches, and overall improved function and performance.

Who is suitable for chiropractic treatment?

We see patients from all ages! Due to sedentary lifestyle and prolonged bad sitting posture, we are seeing a rise in younger patients (toddlers to tweens) presenting to us with spinal issues! Chiropractic care is also safe for the elderly as we can modify our adjustments to be more gentle for them.

How does physical therapy and rehabilitation exercise complement my chiropractic adjustment?

Physical therapy and rehabilitation will aid to retrain the body muscle's weakness and imbalances to help improve spinal stability and strength, which will decrease the chance of re-injury and help hasten the process of recovery.

How long does each treatment sessions take?

For Initial Consultation, please buffer around 45 minutes to 1 hour time as you would need to fill up some paperwork before the session.

For Standard Consultations, do ration around 30-45 minutes.

Refer to Fee Structure for more information.

What to expect on the initial consultation?

Upon arrival, you would be asked to fill in an intake form that would allow us to better understand your health complaints. Subsequently, we will move on to the initial assessment, which usually includes vital signs check, posture and alignment assessment, range of motion assessment as well as relevant neurological and orthopedic assessment.

The practitioner will then go through the findings and explain your condition, as well as discuss your treatment goals and expected outcome.

Thereafter, should you consent to proceed with treatment, you would be asked to sign a once off consent form before therapy.

Follow up sessions could be scheduled if desired with the front desk staff after the session. You may be referred for further diagnostic imaging (X-ray/MRI) depending on your presentation, upon which we will provide you with a referral form.

Will the treatment be painful?

While it is common, as with all manual therapy, to experience some delayed onset soreness, chiropractic adjustments are usually not painful at all! Although if your condition is acute and inflamed, it may be tender or sore to touch, in which case the chiropractor will modify his/her technique in order to minimize discomfort for you.

Will I need an X-ray/MRI or other scans to receive treatment?

The necessity for diagnostic imaging (X-ray/MRI) will depend on your presentation as well as your treatment goals. Scans will usually not be needed for acute/low impact minor sprain or strain injuries, however, if your treatment goal is to achieve long term postural and alignment correction, you would be recommended to take an X-ray to thoroughly evaluate your spinal structure.


Additionally, based on recommended guidelines*, certain presentations and conditions (e.g. chronic >3mths of pain, over 65 yo, lack of progress after 3-6 months treatment without scans, traumatic injuries, motor vehicle accidents, signs of nerve injuries,  severe unrelenting pain, progressive deformities) does greatly warrant further diagnostic imaging.


Ultimately. every individual presentation will be different and we welcome you to have an open discussion with the practitioner about your condition and desired treatment goals.


If you had any prior diagnostic imaging for relevant issues, please bring it in with you during the sessions.


*Citation: Jenkins HJ, Downie AS, Moore CS, French SD. Current evidence for spinal X-ray use in the chiropractic profession: a narrative review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2018 Nov 21;26:48. doi: 10.1186/s12998-018-0217-8. PMID: 30479744; PMCID: PMC6247638.

How many sessions will I need?

The frequency and amount of sessions required will depend on the severity of your condition as well as your treatment goals. As such not everyone will go through the same treatment schedule. However, based on natural history of human tissue healing, for acute/recent minor sprain or strain injuries, you could expect to feel better after 6-8 visits. For more chronic/longer term or severe injuries that may involve muscle/ligament tears, cartilage/disc injuries, nerve injuries or bone fractures, treatment sessions could take up to 3-4 months for proper resolution.


For more information, please visit the What to Expect section of the site. 

Is chiropractic treatment safe, even if I've already had joint surgery?

Chiropractic care is safe even post surgery. As management plan will then be focused on maintaining the healthy joints around the surgical site to prevent further wear and tear.

Why should I return for further sessions if I'm feeling fine?

Post acute-injury recovery, pain and soreness sensation may subside, but the surrounding structures may take much longer (weeks to months) to change and adapt to a better and stronger alignment. If your health goal is to correct underlying structural issues to prevent deterioration and re-occurrence, adhering to an extended schedule may be more beneficial. Beyond that, the human body, like any machines, require periodic maintenance to achieve optimal function. As such we chiropractors do recommend regular maintenance adjustments.

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