
At Touch Health, we envision to be your go to manual therapy provider, as we are here to assist you no matter your health goals. We can help with:
- Natural pain relief
- Alignment / Posture correction
- Exercise / Sports performance improvement
- Elderly Mobility/ Vitality/ Wellness
- Scoliosis Management
- General Health/ Wellness/ Vitality
Our goal is to empower and educate our patients towards a pain free lifestyle, restore mobility, enhance vitality, and ultimately improve body function and performance of every keen individual.
We endeavor to always provide a comprehensive and thorough approach to your health care, as well as deliver professional and courteous service.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Conditions we can help with

Vertigo/ Dizziness
Ringing in ears
TMJ/ Jaw problems
Nerve Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Peripheral Nerve Entrapments

Spinal Pain
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH)
Scheuermann's Disease
Post Surgical rehabilitation
Degenerative Joints
Hip/Knee/Ankle Pain
Hip joint stiffness/aches
Hip joint degeneration
Labral Injuries
Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS)
Knee joint stiffness/aches
Knee Ligament Injuries (Cruciate/Collateral Ligaments)
Knee Meniscus Injuries
Patella Tracking Dysfunction
Patella Tendinopathy
ITB Syndrome
Knee joint degeneration
Ankle joint stiffness/aches
Ankle joint sprain
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendinopathy
Foot pronation/ Flat footed
Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist Pain
Scapular Dyskinesis
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow/ Lateral Epicondylitis
Golfer's Elbow/ Medial Epicondylitis
De Quervain's Synovitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
General Health Issues
Poor Sleep/Insomnia
Poor Balance/Recurrent falls
Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance
Postural Correction
Forward Head Posture
Rounded Shoulders
Anterior/Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Upper/Lower Cross Syndrome
Sports/Exercise Performance
Recurrent muscular strains/ tendinopathies
Joint "clicking"/ "grinding"
Joint/Ligament laxity/ instability
Recurrent post sport/exercise pain or swelling
Overuse/ overtraining injuries
Exercise/Sport Plateau Effect
Sprain and Strain Injuries
Whiplash injuries
Spinal Facet Joints sprain
Acute Neck/Back spasms
Rotator cuff muscles strain
Knee/Ankle ligaments sprain
Elderly Care
Senile Kyphosis
Poor Balance
Generalized Joint stiffness
Osteopenia/ Osteoporosis

03-7664 0988
018-918 2688